How would you describe your character of Nerva,in raised by Wolves, and what attracted you to her the most?

Nerva is an independent woman, who is all about the power and strength who uses everything at her disposal to get where and what she wants. She is quite tough looking to the naked eye but has a very caring and maternal side to her. I loved the idea that I could play this character with a bald head and feel as though my image suited with her traits perfectly. She largely reflects me as a person, tough looking on the outside squidgy on the inside.

Are you a believer by any chance? How did you relate to Nerva’s fervent Atheism?

I think for this character although she may not believe in a particular god, her faith lies in a having a strong moral compass and a passion for the people and particularly the children around her.

Did you learn anything personal from playing her?

That playing a character in its fullest authenticity, and totally unapologetically is really quite fun and freeing.

Which one was the most intense scenes to film?

Filming the fight scene had so many components to it. Along with 100 or so supporting artists, the lead actors, cranes, drones, a massive outdoor set and an epic fight lead by the stunt team. It was super intense and super fun.

Parenthood and survival Are the two main concerns of the show, and now you are a mother yourself. How are you approaching this new chapter of your life?

Oh with a wing and a prayer! I plan to go slowly, accept all the help, try my hardest to lean into the difficulties but celebrate the highs as they come.

It’s surprising that such an impressive show, so relevant to current times was cancelled, yet its cult following is growing. Are fans reaching out to you?

I’d say it was cancelled for all the wrong reasons, the show remains epic and brilliant so I think RBW is one that people will be discovering and tuning into for many years to come, and so it’s following will continue grow, we’ve had a lot of love from because it’s an easy show to adore. I reckon one day it will be reincarnated in some way!

Photography and interview by Andrea Vecchiato
Beauty by Justine Jenkins

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