Can you tell us about your character Zara?
Zara is a sassy, fiesty, Essex girl, with a big heart and a great tan, always. She’s not the sharpest tool in the box, but gets exactly what she wants, when she wants it. She adores Craig, and just wants to be loved by everyone, and isn’t afraid to show her insecurities. There’s no grey area with Zara, she’s very black and white and to the point. When she’s sad, she’s really sad, but she’s happy she’s ecstatic. I enjoyed playing such an honest character. I think we should all be more like Zara.

Do you remember watching the original ‘Four weddings’ for the first time?
I don’t actually remember the very first time I watched it. Both my parents were massive fans of the film so when I told them I got the job, they were both over the moon.

Were/are you a fan of it?
I watched it again as soon as the audition came through. What a cast. I am a huge fan of Richard Curtis, I think he’s a genius. It’s such a significant film of that time, and still to this day people love it.

What are your plans for the future?
I’m shooting a film in October, which I am very excited for as it’s something hugely different from Four Weddings, and anything I’ve done so far. I’d also really love to get behind the camera next year and direct.

What’s your dream role?
I don’t think I have one, just something that challenges me and helps me grow as an actor. I love the prep stage of a job, the research and learning. In fact… whilst answering this question I’ve realised James McAvoy’s role in Split would be my dream role!

Four Weddings and a Funeral is airing on Hulu.

Interview by Lorenza Calamandrei
Photography by Andrea Vecchiato

Hair & Make Up by Gloria Penaranda

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